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Host an Event

Do you have an idea for an event you could run to help your community?



Our Side Room is bookable for your sessions. The events coming up can be seen below:

  1. Check the slot is free in our calendar on this page. You can skip this step if you want to use your own online meeting or streaming service.

  2. Create the event on your own personal Google Calendar

  3. Invite the following email address to your event. This will make it appear on our calendar too.


  4. Paste the room URL into your event's "Location" to let people know how to join.

    If you're using your our Side Room, copy the link below:

    Alternately, you're welcome to set up your own room, using Zoom or any other open platform.

  5. Publicise your event any way you like, perhaps setting up a Facebook event, inviting people and sharing it in our group and elsewhere. Remember to include the room link, so people know how to join.

You can view the whole calendar on Google for a better view

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