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Present Day

The Chessington industrial estate continues to be a diverse source of employment in the borough, with locals working for engineering firms, food retailers, IT specialists and jewellers.

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Although commonly referred to as the Cox Lane industrial estate, it in fact spreads to a number of neighbouring roads, including Davis Road, Roebuck Road and Mount Road. 


Points of interest include the headquarters of wholesalers New England Seafood, the largest private employer in the borough, and a data centre for cloud industry specialists Digital Realty. 


The Community Brain asked local photographer Stuart Tree if he could capture the character of Cox Lane today:

The Hot House Project

A partnership between The Community Brain, Kingston University, South London Partnerships, and BIG South London, the Hot House Project was developed to create a network for collaborative activities that targets sustainable skills for the diverse group of enterprises located on the Cox Lane estate. 


To achieve this, The Hot House Project has undertaken a series of surveys to gain deeper insights into the unique needs, challenges, and potential opportunities faced by the businesses located on the Chessington Industrial Estate and the surrounding local community. Through these surveys, valuable information has been gathered, enabling the identification of innovative opportunities that align with the individual goals of various companies and SMEs, while also contributing to both national and local sustainability agenda.


Building upon these findings, the Hot House Project has organised several events for the Chessington Industrial Estate and the local community. Collaborating with multiple businesses on the estate, these events have been designed to foster greater engagement and convenience for the on-site attendees. Some of the notable events include a Women in Leadership Workshop held at Genuine Solutions, a Green Meet and Greet hosted by Aztec Live, as well as the Industrial Estate Book Launch and the Community Rail Week Event, organised by Community Brain. These initiatives have further solidified the sense of community and opened conversations regarding the sustainability challenges on Cox Lane.


The Hot House Project is actively engaging in ongoing dialogues with businesses, seeking to better comprehend their specific needs and foster a stronger sense of community. This initiative aims to promote a circular economy and enhance the overall community spirit.

Discover more about Cox Lane Industrial Estate

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