EVENT: The Broadway Bazaar & Swap Shop is Back! - Sat 12 Nov, 10am to 3pm
Updated: Nov 8, 2022

After a fantastic response to our first Broadway Bar Bazaar & Swap Shop, we're holding another one in November!
Plus, this time we're extending the opening hours to be 10am to 3pm - giving everyone more time to join in.
With an estimated £140m worth of clothing being sent to UK landfill each year, we all need to take urgent action to reduce this.
Taking part in our Swap Shop is a great way to support the circular economy, while picking up something new for your wardrobe at the same time.
Also, the event will feature local traders selling gifts, crafts and other items. So, even if you don't have anything to swap, you can still come along and show your support for local businesses.
Our event takes place inside the former Tolworth Broadway Bar.
How the swap shop will work:
You can drop off the items of clothing you want to swap (a maximum of 8 items per person) from 8.30am on Saturday or bring them along with you before 3pm. You will then receive your swap booklet, which contains your stamps – one for each item you want to swap.
Then from 10am, when the main swap shop and bazaar officially open, you can browse all the items and exchange your stamps for something that's new to you!
Just a few rules…
You can swap women’s, men’s and/or children’s items.
We will accept good quality, clean and re-usable clothing and accessories (including footwear).
If you’re in any doubt, please only bring items in a condition that you would want to wear/buy yourself or you would be happy for a friend to use.
We won’t accept underwear or swimwear (unless it's brand new with a tag).
Please don’t bring any more than 8 items.
All items will be assessed by volunteers and made ready to display (please make sure you definitely want to part with your items before bringing them in!).
We can refuse any items that do not meet our re-use criteria, please don’t be disappointed.
We will operate a system of honesty and trust.
Finally, please bring your own carrier bags for your swapped items.
When and where to drop off your items to swap
Please drop off your items to swap, and collect your swap stamps, via the front entrance of the Broadway Bar, Tolworth Broadway (see map below), during the following times:
8.30am to 3pm on Saturday 12 November
How to get there by public transport
Buses to / from Tolworth Broadway: 418, 406, 265, 662, 665, K1, K2
Trains to Tolworth Station direct from London Waterloo - Tolworth Broadway Bar is a short walk from the station
There is also parking in the M&S car park
PLEASE NOTE: Do not leave any items on the premises outside these hours as your donations will not be accepted, and we do not have storage facilities for them. This initiative is run by a community group and we have limited resources more information, please email: contact@thecommunitybrain.org