Have your say and help shape the future of Kingston’s largest nature reserve

Time is running for residents in Kingston and neighbouring boroughs who wish to contribute their views and suggestions to help create a plan to support the future of the borough’s largest nature reserve – Tolworth Court Farm Fields.
The Community Brain, a Tolworth-based not-for-profit, is partnering with Citizen Zoo – specialists in rewilding urban areas – Kingston Borough Council and Kingston University to develop a new community-created vision to enhance biodiversity on the 42-hectare site, which is located between the A240 and Chessington Industrial Estate.
As part of the project’s first phase, over the past few months The Community Brain team and Citizen Zoo have held a series of public information sessions and in September they launched an online survey. The survey is designed to gather feedback about people’s experiences of visiting the urban nature reserve and give residents an opportunity to say what they would like to see happen at the site.
Initial studies at Tolworth Court Farm Fields revealed the reserve is already home to more than 360 different species of invertebrate and around 40 species of birds, plus mammals such as bats and roe deer – including some species at risk of extinction.
The project team will use this data, along with insight gathered via the survey, to develop a plan that would pave the way for work to reinvigorate lost habitats by enriching the flora and fauna, countering the effects of the climate emergency and enhancing visitors’ experiences.
The survey closes at 12 noon on Friday 12 December. If you would like to have your say and support the project, you can complete the survey here: https://bit.ly/TCFFSurvey.
The project team is especially eager to hear from professional dogwalkers and other recreational users of the nature reserve.
Robin Hutchinson, The Community Brain's founder said: “Tolworth Court Farm Fields is one of our borough’s hidden treasures. It’s a remarkable green oasis that offers vital respite for wildlife and humans.
“By inviting people across Kingston and neighbouring communities to get involved, share their experiences and ideas for the site’s future, can help to ensure that Tolworth Court Farm Fields begins to feel loved and gets the protection and investment it needs to thrive.”
Discover more about Tolworth Court Farm Fields
To find out more about the project and why Tolworth Court Farm Fields nature reserve is so special along, you can watch a replay of the recent virtual info session below: